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The best or recommended Mod Manager

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The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by PlasmaGamer » Sat May 04, 2019 8:37 am

Hello I was wondering if anyone knew about a mod manger that is the best or highly recommended of TTW. I wanted to play this again since I really enjoy TTW but either remove/limit the amount of crashes and bugs I come across.

I’ve looked at a couple on the internet but a lot of people have different different ideas and comments. Some say mod organizers good but others say they prefer nexus mod manager. Not sure what one to go for since there’s a lot to choose from.

I would want a mod manager that’s can handle the mods I already have plus TTW, my computer can handle it. I want to play TTW without limitations?

MY Specifications:

Intel I5 8600K
16GB Crucial 2400
RTX 2060 Founder Edition
Asus Motherboard

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Re: The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by Risewild » Sat May 04, 2019 9:52 am

Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) is the recommended mod manager.

Nexus Mod Manager is not only not recommended, it is also not supported by the TTW team (it's full of problems and abandoned by Nexus).

FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) is old but it still works.

MO1 should work too, but MO2 is better.

Vortex (the "Nexus Mods" successor to NMM) seems to work with TTW too.

But the recommended mod manager is MO2.

I will point out this again: Never use NMM with TTW or you're asking for problems (sooner or later, they will appear). :shock:

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Re: The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by PlasmaGamer » Sat May 04, 2019 11:05 am

Thank you for your reply

What does this mod manager do to effect TTW as in reduce crash, bugs and other in game problems?

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Re: The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by jlf65 » Sat May 04, 2019 3:17 pm

MO2 builds the data folder as seen inside the game logically rather than physically. The game and all mods reside in separate folders to keep everything nice and clean with nothing overwriting anything else. This means that vital game files will never be overwritten, and you can enable and disable mods and know that the entire mod and all its files are gone without effecting the original game or any other mods. You can still have stability issues from things like too many mods, and the order of the mods can still cause issues, but you never have to worry about overwriting files or accidentally leaving orphaned files in place. Which is why I've come to love MO2.

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Re: The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by PlasmaGamer » Sat May 04, 2019 7:23 pm

I have a problem with MO2 so ive just used MO1 or is that not good idea?

What's the difference between MO1 and MO2?

The current mod organizer doesn't like new vegas and crashes everytime I do test run without mods. Cant be the game because I had to do complete reinstall. My only guess is that the latest mod organizer is the is issue

Can someone help/or know the issue to the problem?

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Re: The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by Decker » Wed May 08, 2019 3:51 pm

I do not know about the exact differences between MO1 and MO2, but MO1 has been working just fine for me at least, with separate MO1 installs for Skyrim and FNV+TTW. It (MO1) also does keep all the mods in their own folders and has the same main advantage of never overwriting any vital game files.

I encountered some problems setting up MO2 into a functional state (YMMV), but back then I already had MO1 working well for Skyrim, so I decided to use MO1 (separate install of MO1) for TTW as well. So far I've had no problems at all with MO1+TTW, everything runs smoothly and swiftly from SSD installations.

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Re: The best or recommended Mod Manager

Post by Rika » Wed May 08, 2019 6:07 pm

MO1 is no longer supported and outdated. The "main" difference is that MO2 is 64bit while MO1 is only 32bit, but at this point MO2 works far better, and MO1 has some features that don't work correctly, and (iirc) were designed while misunderstanding how archives worked. MO2 also supports TTW as a separate game, so there's that. Honestly if you were using MO2 when it was new, or before it was picked back up for development, yeah, you would've had problems with FNV, and MO1 worked better for it. This is no longer the case.

For the most part, any features that MO1 has that MO2 doesn't didn't actually work right.

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